Mindfully Lazy

Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. – Steve Jobs

Steve Job’s quote, “Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life,” carries a powerful message about personal authenticity, the fleeting nature of life, and the importance of carving out our own path.

Transfer bad thoughts onto paper

Transfer all those bad thoughts onto paper. Write them down and try to forget about them.

Mindful Minimalism: How to Declutter Your Life and Mind

Ever feel like your life is a bit too cluttered, both physically and mentally?

You Choose the Life You Want to Live

You are the captain of your ship. If you’re not happy with where your ship is, then it’s your own damn fault.

How to Wake Up Early— Why Waking Up Early is Better to Start the Day

There’s something about waking up early to start your day.

No rushing. No snoozing the alarm clock. No tripping over yourself trying to get to school or work.

I must say, it’s pretty peaceful.

“A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.” – Jim Watkins

Jim Watkins’s quote encapsulates a powerful metaphor for the virtue of perseverance and the impact it can have on achieving one’s goals.

To Regret is to Return to the Past

There’s a certain comfort in ruminating with what could have happened. You get to reimagine it “actually happening” the way “it could have been”. It all could still be real, if only in your head… if even for just a moment.

Logic VS Creativity — Should I be “Left-Brained” or “Right-Brained”?

Once upon a time, people thought that the ‘left’ and ‘right’ sides of the brain were responsible for two different forms of thinking — The left is for problem-solving and logical thinking, while the right is for creativity and intuition. Based on present-day brain imaging scans, however, we now know that both sides of the brain are quite intricately codependent.

Working From Bed

I love my bed. It’s so soft and comforting, and sometimes, I just don’t want to leave it!

In fact, in my old house I had a table I can pull towards my bed that had a computer on it. With this set up, I could wake up and get straight to fiddling away on me computer!

Behind the Dairy — Milk might Not be as Good as we all Think

You see, I love milk.

I pour it everyday on my granola cereal with added banana slices. It’s the perfect nutty and tangy breakfast mix, and it doesn’t even need much preparation.

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