When you have something you need to do, rather than have it wallow in your head all day, you might as well transfer it into a to-do- list. This way, you won’t spend any of your mental energy trying to remember what you’re supposed to do.
Using the same concept, if there is something stuck in your head that you can’t seem to get out, why not write them down? Transfer all those bad thoughts onto paper. Write them down and try to forget about them. Let writing be a catharsis of sorts. Transfer all that bad juju energy and get on with your day.
It won’t be the perfect solution, I can’t guarantee it will get rid of the thoughts, but at the very least you can build a structure for your thoughts and by reading it maybe you can see the situation more objectively.
Write however you want. Be it freestyle, analyzing the situation, writing a pros and cons list, repeating the same line, drawing about what you’ve written, reading it out loud… All of these can be a form of self-expression that can help you possibly let things go, in your own way.
Therapists recommend writing for a reason, and you don’t even need to share it with anyone if you don’t want to. The beauty of writing for yourself is that you don’t have to lie about your feelings in case you are ashamed of them. The only one who has to know about what you’ve written is you.
You can be as honest as you can to yourself, kind of like writing to a best friend who won’t judge you for whatever you say and however you are feeling.
So fully express yourself and let those negative thoughts flow onto paper. We don’t talk to ourselves often enough. Crazy as it sounds, you might just be your own solution.